Every year I pick a word that I feel the Lord is impressing on me to focus on for the year. This year my word was very clear because it is the word I kept hearing echo in the back of mind...be INTENTIONAL!
I found the last few months of 2010 that I was getting anxious and distracted by decisions we were trying to make in regards to whether or not Tim would take the pastor job and leave UPI after all these years. I am not one who is big on change so the more I felt anxious the more I felt myself detaching. I read more (not that it is bad, but it can be my escape mode of choice), I wanted to sleep more and I stayed on the computer more.
So as I step into 2011, I am fully committed to being intentional in what I do. I have taken a sabbatical from the FIAR homeschool message boards for a few months so I can focus on my here and now life. I want to be intentional with my husband, I want to be intentional with my children and I want to be intentional in all Papa has set before me to do!
I don't expect it to always be easy, but I am going to put reminders up around the house for myself so when I am tempted to check out I will be reminded of what he is calling me to do!
Care to join me? Got a word? Would love to hear what Papa is whispering to you for 2011!
That's a great word ... and a great goal to have. My word is relax ... i am waaaaaaaaaaaay too uptight :)