The newly turned 8yo in action!
Our dear friends, Smith and Julie, who started the Jackson Smith Peck Foundation after their sweet 4yo, Jack, was killed in an accident!
It was a day full of beautiful weather, fun, food, family (and friends who are family) and plenty of trash-talking. Tim and his partner, Jay, again took home the first place trophy which they feel shows the first time was not a fluke! Hannah and KK took 3rd in their division and ended up with medals and trophies. To say that they were thrilled is an understatement!
Boards, boards everywhere!!
After the cornhole tourny, the girls and I went to the Third Day, Toby Mac and Michael W. Smith concert.
Mac Powell, Toby Mac and Michael W in an unexpected moment at the back of the venue!
We had a great time hanging out with our friend, Barbara. I have known Barbara since we were teenagers and I am thankful the Lord has preserved our friendship. We got to meet Mac and Aimee's new little girl, Birdy, and we got to see our great friend, Sweeney who is like one of my own!
The girls with Sweeney! Hannah had never met him and she couldn't figure out why he kept calling me "Mama"!
Hannah had such a great day, but I think she partied a little too hard. The trip home found her throwing up in Chick-Fil-A bag which then caused Rachel to have to hang her head out the window because she was gagging so much! Ay-yi-yi!! Not how I envisioned our day ending, but I must admit I laughed so hard I had to work to keep the car on the road!!
Dear, Lord, thank you for birthdays, 8 year olds, good friends, lots of fun, music and unexpected memories ~ all rolled into one looonnngggg day!
Wow! What a day! Happy late birthday to Hannah. (Although between you and me, we know she cannot possibly be 8!!!)