Today is an exciting day so far! I actually felt well enough to clean! It's amazing how fun even cleaning can be when you have been too sick to do it for a while!
I made my bed, cleaned both bathrooms, wiped down the kitchen and vacuumed the whole upsatirs. I am taking a brief break and then I am going to clean a few windows and the bathroom mirrors. Jesse is doing school and the littles are cleaning their rooms.
Aaahhhh, life feels almost back to "normal"! :O)
Thank You, Lord, for helping me find joy in cleaning today! Thank You for perspective only You can give that allows us to rejoice in things we may not normally rejoice in! Thank You for health, deep breaths and clean surfaces! Amen!
P.S. Oh, and it's sunny to boot! Makes me feel even more energetic to actually see that welcome yellow ball in the sky!!
So glad you're on the mend. I hope that one day I can truly thank God that I "get" to clean house. I guess it's all a matter of perspective.