Well, upon seeing this title, you may have some answers that instantly pop into your head...loving wife, devoted mom, Jesus-follower, good cook, gardener and you could even throw a
stunningly beautiful in there if you felt so inclined! (Quit snickering...I'm just kidding. :insertrollingeyes: )
I love to write on my blog. It helps me make sense of the thoughts that are always careening around in my head, vying for some of my mental energy. Once I write these thoughts down, it frees me up to move onto another thought and down a different mental trail. I have loved the outlet my blog has provided.
I am part of an online community and I take my ministry there very seriously. I head up the prayer ministry on a homeschool board and it has been an amazing way to encourage women to seek Him in all they do! I am also on FB and have a number of blogs that I follow, so the computer really has become an invaluable friend to me. I type out a lot of messages on it, personal and public, and I appreciate having it at my disposal.
I have begun to do a good bit more speaking and I am currently working on a number of messages. This is what I am getting at, though (in case you're trying to figure out what the heck my title and the body of this message have to do with each other). When it comes right down to it and I need to prepare and
truly capture my thoughts...
I am a paper and pen kinda girl!Really...I love them! In fact, office supplies stores are my favourite stores (outside of a really good antique store, of course). I love the smell of paper and almost every pen you'll see me writing with is purple. I am not sure when the
purple pen obsession hit, but I once had a woman with whom I had had a number of written correspondences meet me and say,
"Ah, the lady with the purple pen!" Pretty pathetic, huh? I guess if you have to be known for something, it could be a lot worse than a purple pen, though.
I really do love everything about the process of actually writing. In our day and age of computerized everything, writing truly is a dying art. Tim just had a bunch of young guys fill out a questionaire and he said he was shocked by their handwriting. It used to be that even men had a lovely, flowing handwriting because a pen and paper was all they had to work with. Nowadays, there is rarely a reason to hand-write something unless you are a homeschool child whose Mama insists you become proficient at it! :insertslightlyevillaugh:
Maybe you think I'm weird and you are thankful beyond words for this age of computers and phones with texting capabilities. While I make ample use of them, I just don't think they come close to comparing to words inscribed on paper.
Well, you'll have to excuse me now because I have a message brewing in my mind and a pretty purple notebook and pen waiting for me!
That's just the kind of girl I am! :O)