September 25, 2000 - December 23, 2004
Psalm 139:16 Like an open book, you watched me grow from conception to birth; all the stages of my life were spread out before you, The days of my life all prepared before I'd even lived one day.
Today is a sad day, but a day filled with hope. Today my dear friends will experience just about every emotion known to man. They will cry, they will laugh, they will reminisce and they may even experience a twinge of guilt wishing they could do things over with a different outcome.
4 years ago today sweet Jackson went to live with Jesus. Wow! It's hard to believe it has already been that long, but I imagine it has seemed a whole lifetime since Smith and Julie last held their boy.
As a friend it's hard to know what to do. My heart is so heavy for these ones I love so much and my tears have flown freely much of today. I pray for them and we let them know we haven't forgotten. Even this blog entry is to let them know how much I care.
I recently, during a Bible study, wrote a prayer to the Lord that went something like this...
Papa, I know that YOU knew when Jackson was born that his time here on earth would be just 4 short years. It's what your Word says. It wasn't an accident in the sense that it certainly didn't catch You by surprise the way it did the rest of us! Please minister to Smith and Julie as only You can!
After all this time I was reminded yet again that He really does know when He's going to call us each home. None of us are promised tomorrow so we better live the heck out of today! Look at those ones you love and imagine what you would say to them or do with them if you knew He was almost ready to call them up to Him! How radically different would we live our lives?
Lord, I thank you for the way You have ministered to Smith and Julie and their families. Thank you for what You are yet doing in Roz's heart. Papa, You alone know what's in the hearts of these who are grieving today, yet they grieve not without hope for they have the assurance that one day they WILL hold their sweet boy again. They will gaze into his eyes and be able to tell him how much they love him and have missed him. Please Papa encourage their hearts today! Allow them to be still before You. Allow them to feel in such a tangible way the deep and abiding love you have for them! And Lord, please help those of us whose hearts are full of love for them, but just don't really know what to do!
And Lastly, Papa, would you let Jackson know that his presence here on earth is missed in a way that words could never adequately express!
We love you, Jack!!
Praying for Smith, Julie, Roz and their entire family today, and often....and thanking you for reminding us to live the heck out of today.
ReplyDeleteRemembering and sending my love ~ Praying for all of you whose lives are forever touched and changed by this precious little man.
ReplyDeleteYou are a dear friend. You even chose my favorite pictuer of him. There is not a better picture of what he was all about. He knew at such a young age how to grab your attention. You can never imagine how hard it is to cope with the loss of him. I am sad this evening, but my spirit is lifted by your sweet words. Thank you for being there, and caring! God has blessed our family with so many wonderful friends! I am so glad that you are in my life!!!
ReplyDeletelOVE YOU!!
Julie Peck